Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Welcome (a history)

The monthly poker games began at a friend's house over a year ago. Originally blinds were tracked by looking at the clock.

Eventually an online timer was introduced; It was written in Javascript, displayed the current blinds and timer prominently, and when the time ran out, an alert box beeped to announce the next blinds. The host would then have to scramble over to his laptop to click "OK" to restart the timer.

"That's crap." I announced. "I can do better than that!"

Thus version one of my blinds timer was born, with blind levels hard-coded in an hour before the game.

A month later I had Mark II ready: This time with OPTIONS... over the next few games additions like the "hide timer" and "return to the settings screen without reloading the entire web page" were implemented successfully.

Everyone was duly impressed. Except my biggest critic - me. A bit of Photoshop work soon shaped things up ...

Add in a fancy menu, layout, and name...

Currently I'm implementing a database back-end to allow users to save their preferences. Once complete, I will be seeking testers for the alpha version of the timer.